ΟΙ Γερμανοί πολύπειροι DARK SKY μιλούν στο ΗΧΩ

What inspired the name “Dark Sky,” and does it hold a special meaning for the band?

The name was actually a strange thing. The guitarist and co-founder of DARK SKY at the time said at some point that the band should be called that. And since he was the most accomplished musician at the time, nobody dared to contradict him. Nobody asked whether the band name had a special meaning, we were just happy to be able to play together in a rock band, ha, ha, ha.


How has the band evolved musically since your formation?

Oh, a lot has happened. I mean, we were students in the same class back then and over the years there have been many line-up changes and of course our musical skills have improved. Originally DARK SKY played traditional hard rock but now I would say DARK SKY stands for melodic metal with elements of power and symphonic metal.


Your music blends melodic and powerful elements of rock and metal. What are your key influences in shaping this sound?

As I said, our melodic metal is also influenced by power and symphonic metal. And the individual musicians, with their own preferences, also incorporate some of their musical taste into the songs.


Are there any particular artists or bands that inspired you when you started, or continue to inspire you today?

Yes, of course you are always inspired by the music and the bands that you like. In the past it was bands like Judas Priest, AC/DC or the Scorpions, today it is also bands like Powerwolf or Beast in Black.


Are there any tracks of the band that hold a special place in your heart? If so, which ones and why?

Actually, almost all of the songs are close to my heart, they’re all my babies in some way 😉 There are very personal songs, such as “Not The End” or “Eternity”, which are and remain very emotional for me. But currently we’re playing songs like the title track “Signs Of The Time”, which is very important to me both in terms of content and music. The message of the lyrics is an indictment of the terrible measures taken by the government during the pandemic.


Your albums have been well-received by fans and critics alike. Can you share any memorable moments from the recording sessions?

The recordings were actually quite unspectacular, so there were no major mishaps or anything like that. But it was impressive when, for example, Steff recorded his drums and he worked like a machine. Or when Harold sang his additional vocals and we were amazed with our mouths open. Yes, Jadros guitar work and the subsequent mixing and finalization by producer Markus Teske was also incredibly good.



What would you say is the defining theme or concept of your latest album?

Well, actually the album was somehow shaped by the pandemic and its impact on all of our lives. But there are only a few tracks on the album about this topic. We also have other topics that concern us, processed lyrically and musically. So, Christian-influenced content, as well as what we encounter every day in real life, love, worries, joy and saying goodbye to loved ones.


Looking back, how do you feel your earlier work compares to what you’re creating now?

Every album was, for its moment, what we wanted it to be, or at least almost like that. This time everything was different because we practically started from scratch as a band. As a result, a lot of things in the creation process were different. I first pre-produced all the songs together with my producer Markus Teske, then we recorded our parts one after the other as a band and at the end Markus Teske finished the result. We worked on the earlier albums together in the rehearsal room and only then went to Markus Teske’s studio. I think “Signs Of The Time” actually sounds a bit different to all previous albums. It is definitely our best album so far, and the reactions have been more positive than ever.


Do you find that German audiences connect differently to your music compared to international audiences?

Not really, but audiences in other countries, such as the Czech Republic, are perhaps a bit more enthusiastic at the festivals. But I don’t know if you can say that in general. If it works out and we can play our first concerts in Asia in 2025, I’m curious to see whether there is a noticeable difference to the European fans.


What’s something surprising about Dark Sky that fans might not know?

Oh God, what secrets am I supposed to reveal now??? 😉 Seriously, that’s a really hard question! I would say that no matter what surprises there might be for a fan regarding DARK SKY, they would only be nice surprises 😉 Thanks for your questions and hopefully we see us sometime somewhere at a DARK SKY concert.







DARK SKY – Signs Of The Time (Official Music Video) 

DARK SKY – Forgiveness (Official Music Video 4k) 2023 

Dark Sky – Heroes On Ice (Official Music Video 4K) 2023 

DARK SKY – Fools (Official Music Video) 2023 


Stelios Trichandiris

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